Drones in construction: are they worth it?

The use of drones in construction has become a technological innovation that’s really taken off in recent years. Drones can help facilitate a range of onsite tasks with greater speed, accuracy and efficiency than traditional methods, leading the far fewer expense on essential tasks. So how exactly can drones save you money on your construction site? And is it worth the expense?

First, let’s take a look at the evidence. PwC’s membership network report Skies Without Limits revealed that drone technology is expected to uplift the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the UK’s construction and manufacturing industries by £8.6bn to 2030, through new innovation, improved productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Since 2017, construction giants Balfour Beatty have been conducting a drone technology trial for the inspection of bridges in West Sussex. In the trial so far, savings of around £8,000 compared to traditional inspections have been noted.

But it’s also the cost of time which is another benefit of the use of drones, because in any industry – including construction – time is money. Drones become a key tool in construction by allowing for improved accuracy, reporting and faster work, which is of considerable benefit to any business.

At Eagle Eye Drone Solutions, our site monitoring means that. You can now monitor the progression of your project from the comfort of your office or home. No more waiting for updates from project managers, see what is happening in real time.

So is it worth the expense? Well that’s up to you to decide, if your construction company is looking to save time and money by using drones to help your everyday tasks or to monitor your project progress, then why not give us a call. We’d be happy to discuss your projects with you and see how we can help.

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If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please feel free to call me on 07894 698087, email info@eagleyesolutions.co.uk  or text your name and contact details to 07894 698087 to receive a call back. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have and have a chat about how I can help tailor my services to fit your business needs. 

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